Thursday, October 28, 2010

Book group

Meeting of 8 tomorrow evening to discuss "Room" which I haven't made time to read. Started it but couldn't get into it. However have also suggested that we might talk about 'Claiming our Future' which seems to be a popular/populist? movement of people who want a new way of doing politics in this country. Talk usually drifts onto other things anyway after a hour or so.

The there's the whole 'supper' issue. One of our number goes crazy and produces the likes of lemon meringue pie when we visit. Someone is making me a pumpkin pie which would clash colour wise with my proposed offering of chicken korma so I'm having to rethink this. Is it time to get back to cheese and wine? Maybe I'll bring it back there so and start a 'simple' movement, first cousin of the slow movement.

This is a kind of morning page blog today - there's a pneumatic drill going outside my window putting in new bicycle racks and inside I'm only waiting for the racket of the new lift being installed, but what a godsend it will be when it's in.

Meandering on and into the day. Gospel choir practice with Kathleen tonight which is usually good craic.

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoying you meanderings, but don't forget to intersperse them with your experiences of undertaking each weekly task.
